Thursday, April 2, 2009

Servant Day

Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center has a Servant Day every year, when the junior and senior high students are shipped off to different locations to help with various projects. I took a dozen freshmen to a little church on the outskirts where we painted the sanctuary. Okay, so I forgot my camera (Jessica, I know you can't relate here). And Lydia also did some painting in another location. Other students helped out at a SAM project in Barrio Bolivar. This is an interesting place. The Ayore, an indigenous tribe from the jungle, has moved to Santa Cruz and "squatted" on some land in two different areas on the outskirts. One of these is called Barrio Bolivar. The conditions there are pretty dismal, with drugs, prostitution and neglect being the order of the day. SAM has acquired some land and started a farm in order to provide work and an income for the men of the community. It has also built a building to provide healthcare services for the children. Check out the links: and

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